Turning the Learning Disabilities into Opportunities
We live in a world, where foreign languages are important in several aspects of our daily life, from traveling, to better working positions. All people should have the opportunity to learn foreign languages, but special attention must be given to people with learning disabilities.
The TuDOrs project is aiming to give foreign languages teachers the skills and competences they need to effectively teach foreign languages to people with learning disabilities.
‘Disability need not be an obstacle to success’
Stephen Hawking


the project
TuDOrs project is targeting to foreign language teachers and training providers.
Project is aiming to improve the knowledge and skills of foreign language teachers, in teaching to people with learning disabilities, by using innovative methods and practices.
Important aspect of the project is to strengthen soft and transversal skills of teachers, for the inclusion of disabled learners in educational activities.

target groups
- foreign language teachers
- foreign language educational institutions
- adult education institutions, which provides foreign language courses
- people with learning disabilities and their families
- professionals in foreign language
- professionals in the field of learning disabilities
- foreign language teachers’ associations
- associations for learning disabilities
- local, regional, national authorities responsible for education
- universities