Training Activity at Reus, Spain

What was the occasion?
As TuDOrs outputs:
- a Digital Compendium of innovative and effective practices and tools in teaching foreign languages (FLs) to people with Learning Disabilities (LDs),
- an On-line Training Course and
- a Self-assessment Tool, both developed for teachers/trainers of foreign languages (FLs), to people with Learning Disabilities (LDs)
are reaching their phase of finalization, and soon they will be at everybody’s disposal (see more here), the project’s partners organized a three-day training activity, for teachers/trainers of foreign languages (FLs), some previously engaged in the preliminary implementation phases of the project.
The agenda
The training activity was hosted by Associació de Programes Educatius “OpenEurope” based at Reus, Spain, and co-organised by all project partners from Slovenia, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Cyprus, and Greece (find out who they are here), took place from Wednesday 31st of August until Friday 2nd of September 2022. The Training activity’s agenda included presentations by respective partners, regarding all three project’s outputs, and various training sessions.
Namely, the training sessions showcased activities that participants were invited to carry out in groups, aiming at their in-depth familiarization with methodologies, strategies, techniques, and tools that can be utilised by teachers, trainers, and educators of foreign languages (FLs) to people with Learning Disabilities (LDs), such as:
- Simulation of the Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)
- Multiple implementation scenarios based on Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Presentations on how to address learners with different learning difficulties and how to optimally integrate them in the educational environment
- Cases based on proper adaptation of generalised teaching tips for learners with different and/or multiple learning difficulties
Different hypothetical cases that involve adapting the Montessori Method to adults with language learning difficulties and call for a holistic approach to them.
Participant’s feedback
Participants, i.e., project partners’ representatives and FL teachers, trainers, educators had the opportunity to learn about the project’s results, to be acquainted with new and innovative learning methods and techniques addressing students with learning difficulties, to interconnect with each other and exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas. The hosting organization issued certificates of participation for all trainees and awarded them in a short emotional “ceremony”, where thanksgivings were exchanged.
To gain more information about the project, the digital compendium, the training program, the self-assessment tool and further activities, please visit our Facebook page.