We are on air

Our website is now on air and we can share the result with you.
TuDOrs project is the new Erasmus+ project with main aim to give proper assistance and support to people with Learning Disabilitites, who wants to learn a foreign language.
Our purpose was to create a fast, easy and user-friendly website. We are excited to announce that we will be sharing the project results and informing people about the latest news about TuDOrs Project.
Check it out and find more information about the project and its outputs and stay tuned for the upcoming activities.
Sprijinul acordat de Comisia Europeană pentru elaborarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului, care reflectă doar opiniile autorilor, iar Comisia nu poate fi trasă la răspundere pentru orice utilizare a informațiilor conținute în aceasta.
Proj.no: 2020-1-SI01-KA204-075938
© 2020 – 2023 TuDOrs | handcrafted and powered with love by www.p-consulting.gr