Breakout Edu

students with diverse needs, Assistance in learning, good practice, self-learning, Kikus Method, Breakout Edu, autism, yes i can

Country Studied: Spain

Area of Focus: children with LD

Elementary school teacher elaborated an activity, which she calls “Break Edu” as a part of a project called “Travel with Flash” that her class participates in. This project consists of working English class contents with the help of a connecting thread of Flash. Flash is a pet cat of the Erasmus + project in which the entire school participates. Flash brings the students material in English, information about the places where he travels and puts them in contact with other schools of the project. So, children are already familiar with the character of Flash, who motivates them to participate in different activities.

Break Edu is a kind of escape room activity adapted to be held within the classroom. Instead of escaping the room children have to overcome a series of challenges in order to open a box.

Break EDU is a final activity of the trimester that allows reviewing all the topics previously learned.

It is delivered in the Early Elementary School.

It is an individual class activity that completes a study term.

Early elementary school pupils.

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The main objectives:

  • Understand and practice the vocabulary and phrases worked on during the term;
  • Make a competent use of learning skills
  • Teamwork for problem solving
  • Evaluate how well a trimester material has been mastered by the pupils
  1. Multisensory approach.
  2. Involving all the students.
  3. The use of ICT.

Playing makes a learning process entertaining and more enjoyable. Students are more willing to participate and get involved what allows them to focus their attention and retain information. It is a very effective tool for teaching a foreign language to children with learning difficulties (such as dyslexia or ADHD).

Besides, with the help of playing, children can explore their imagination and apply it to different contexts. It gives them confidence in themselves and their abilities.

The teacher provides a wide range of tools she used to create the activity that can be used by others in preparing their classes.

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